
thought of the day; do snakes eat fish
found a lizard in the pond today, put a small branch in for wayward things
kinda like my spider ladder for the bath
ever notice how spiders can't get out of baths, silly things

it's a start


1 quart water, preferably spring water
1 cup honey
1 sliced lemon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg

Boil together all ingredients in a non-metallic pot.
While boiling, scrape off the rising "scum" with a wooden spoon.
When no more rises add the following:
pinch of salt
juice of 1/2 lemon
Strain and cool.
Drink in place of alcoholic mead or wine during the simple feast.

*snigger, laugh ho ho ......*

Which Misadventures character are YOU?


I can always use one of these

Memory Enhancing Spell
In my experience, the best way to enhance your memory is to have a
physical focus. So if you have a difficult test coming up—a Russian
language exam, for example—you can use a physical symbol that
represents the knowledge you seek (I used amber to boost my Russian
scores). You'll also need two blue candles to represent thought and
memory. Light the candles, and place the symbol between them to serve
as a bridge for the energy. Then say:
As each question tests my mind,
All the answers I shall find.
Set in neurons as in stone,
Governed by my will alone.
Now go study some more and wait for the spell to set. Let the candles
burn out on their own, and carry the symbol with you to the test.

by: Elizabeth Barrette
From Lady Aquarius 1962s Cauldron and Llewellyn


ggggrrrrrr double posting, bad puter bad puter

but not fluffy animals, they're for eating

Aloof and animalistic, you belong to the Gangrel Clan. Closely associated with werewolves, you are the shapeshifting vampire. You prefer nature than to live in the city and prefer the company of animals than of humans. You are more known to keep to yourself then to help others. You are the lone wolf of the decendents of Caine.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?

Test Created By

Aloof and animalistic, you belong to the Gangrel Clan. Closely associated with werewolves, you are the shapeshifting vampire. You prefer nature than to live in the city and prefer the company of animals than of humans. You are more known to keep to yourself then to help others. You are the lone wolf of the decendents of Caine.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?

Test Created By

chaotic = utterly without order or arrangement
I can live with that, but good???

I Am A: Chaotic Good Elf Mage Ranger

Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.

Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.

Primary Class:
Mages harness the magical energies for their own use. Spells, spell books, and long hours in the library are their loves. While often not physically strong, their mental talents can make up for this.

Secondary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.


Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy ofNeppyMan (e-mail)


Just got some news today. My chicks dad is moving to QLD. Not sure how I feel about this, not that he was any help with the chicks. I just feel numb, scared, stunned. In away I knew this was going to happen, there was always this thing, that he would take off. But what I worry about is that the weekends I had off were my way of recharging, my way of keeping myself. I don’t care if he goes, doesn’t bother me, altho I hope HE tells the chicks. He’ll give them some story about how great it is and how they can come up and see him, some rubbish like that. But now how will I stay me, life changes and I guess I’ll change with it. Hope it’ll work it self out. Altho I can feel myself losing it already.


okay I enjoy a little chase as much as the next cat

but I am so sick of chasing wild life in my house

There I was sitting happily in the lounge when i hear this nosie. Cats I think, go back to reading. Another big nosie, "Damn what are those cats doing?". So I go and have a look. To the kitchen to have a look, can't see anything. Shrug, but while I'm up I wonder if there's anything to munch on. For some reason I turn around, now being that there are things on my bench the sight of a possum standing between this stuff took a bit to register. Bloody hell I says. (shit too) Okay how do I get it outside.

Start of chase around the kitchen. Got myself a towel, if you can cover em they calm down abit, just abit. Ever so slowly I move up to it, I think the light blinded it a little and the fall throught the hole in the roof, (grumble grumble that's it, they will have to do something about it now), also maybe it was waiting to see what i would do. Just as I get close to it, it dashes off. Wall in the way, can't go that way. Jump on dishes, bloody thing broke one of my plates, grumble. Off the bench, luckly not into lounge room. It runs over to other side of kitchen. Slowly slowly. Runs for back door, this is glass, that doesn't work. I move slowly over to it, damn i think why didn't I open the bloody door. At this point Rose who was outside the door at the time thinks "WOW what was that" all interest now. I fail to get the possum at door, gggrrrrr. It runs to go hide, luckly for me it's tail is sticking out, ssssoooo. I grab the tail and pull it towards me, you ever heard of the saying "tiger by the tail"? Lucky this does not apply. Throw the towel over it's head. THEN try and grab it through the towel, think it might have been a youngish one, nothing to grab at neck, but i got hold of it behind its shoulders. Now when you get hold of a possum, besides not getting them close enough to you that they can latch on with claws and teeth, once you have it it will quitent down. Holding it WAY out in front of me, I unlock the back door and take it out to freedom. Last heard running up the nearest tree, with Rose willing to find it. (rolls eyes)

Well you can't say my night are boring, if it's not what the cat's bring in, it's something else.

The Fool - A young man holding the white rose of innocence in his left hand and grasping a vagabond's staff and satchel in the other, wanders with his gaze to the heaves, about to step into and abyss. His is the transformative journey of the spirit from innocence through experience into wisdom. his guardian and friend is the white dog symbolizing his own puppylike trust and faith, for which the world labels him

that'd be right

I Am

Which tarot card are you?


Which Evangelion Child Are You?
Which Evangelion Child Are You?

OMG nnnnnnooooooo

Which toe are you? o_O~?

Which toe are you? o_O~?

Which DBZ Attack Are You?
You are fast and furious. Streamlined and efficient in many ways, you go through life easily accomplishing what most people find difficult.
Which DBZ Attack Are You?

damn the pictures didn't come up
oh well
have a look down soulsis, what ya think

This page will deal with the animal totems attributed to the stones of the medicine wheel, and the lessons that humans can learn by working with these animals as they walk on the path. Numbers correspond to the numbers of the stones. The illustrations were adapted from the Sun Bear book, Dancing With The Wheel.

1. CREATOR. There is no one animal that always represents the Creator. The Creator dances in all animals. The same holds true for minerals and plants. The Creator is part of everything and everything is part of the Creator.

2. TORTOISE. The animal totem for this stone is the tortoise. Lessons we can learn from tortoise are ancient wisdom, experience, patience and endurance.

3. LIZARD. Lizard is the animal totem for this stone. From him, we learn adaptability, optimism and good cheer.

4. LOON. Loon is the totem for this stone. We can learn about mystery, transformation, fidelity and maneuverability from Loon.

5. TURTLE. Stone 5 has the Turtle as its totem. From the turtle, which is one of the four elemental clans (element of Earth), we learn honor, ancient wisdom, stability and protection.

6. FROG. Frog is the animal totem for this stone, and the second of the four elemental clans (element of Water). From him, we can learn about evolution, mystery, transformation, humor and communication.

7. THUNDERBIRD. Thunderbird is the third elemental clan of the inner circle (element of Fire). From the Thunderbird, humans can learn lessons in goodness, kindness, cleansing, healing, and very important to learn, humility.

8. BUTTERFLY. The last stone of the inner circle is the Butterfly. She is the fourth elemental clan animal (element of Air). From the beautiful butterfly, humans can learn transformation, growth, evolution, change and how to experience joy.

9. WABOOSE (NORTH) - WHITE BUFFALO. Spirituality, selflessness, generosity, hope, and ancient wisdom can be learned by working with Waboose.

10. WABUN (EAST) - EAGLE. From Wabun, humans can learn clarity, vision, and inspiration. The eagle is a spiritual messenger.

11. SHAWNODESE (SOUTH) - COYOTE. From Shawnodese, the trickster of the animal kingdom, we can learn about wildness, humor, trickster energy, survival and creativity.

12. MUDJEKEEWIS (WEST) - GRIZZLY BEAR. From Mudjekeewis, you may learn stability, durability, healing, introspection, maturity and leadership.

13. SNOW GOOSE (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). This is the Earth Renewal Moon, and Snow Goose is the animal totem. From him, we learn beauty, tradition, transmitting, receiving, ceremony, and gregariousness.

14. OTTER (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). If you are born during this period, you are in the Rest and Cleansing Moon, and Otter is your totem. From Otter, people can learn to be playful, nurturing, prophetic, noble, curious and humanitarian in nature.

15. COUGAR (Feb. 19-Mar. 20). Those born at this time are under the Big Winds Moon. From your totem, Cougar, learn the lessons of initiative, speed, grace, territoriality and mystery.

16. RED HAWK (Mar. 21-April 19). This is the time of the Budding Trees Moon, and the animal totem is the Red Hawk. From him, people can learn the lessons of awareness, insight, truth, adaptability, prayer and openness.

17. BEAVER (April 20-May 20). This is the season of the Frogs Return Moon, and the totem for this moon is Beaver. From Beaver, we learn security, contentment, industry, balance, affection and patience.

18. DEER (May 21-June 20). The totem for the Cornplanting Moon is Deer. From this beautiful animal, people can learn sensitivity, grace, alertness, creativity and heart and spirit connection.

19. FLICKER (June 21-July 22). If you are born in this time period, you were born in the Strong Sun Moon, and your animal totem is Flicker. He teaches us protection, courage, joy, rhythm, harmony, loving and nurturing.

20. STURGEON (July 23-Aug. 22). This is the time of the Ripe Berries Moon, and the animal totem is Sturgeon. We learn these from Sturgeon: determination, teaching, leadership, knowledge, depth.

21. BROWN BEAR (Aug. 23-Sept.22). Those born at this time are born under the Harvest Moon, and the Brown Bear is your animal totem. He teaches us caution, bravery, fairness, organization, curiosity and leadership.

22. RAVEN (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Raven is the totem for those born under the Ducks Fly Moon. Raven, very wise, teaches people spirituality, intelligence, community, duality and balance.

23. SNAKE (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). This is the time of the Freeze Up Moon, and if you were born now, your totem is Snake. Snake teaches the lessons of mystery, adaptability, femininity, transformation and healing.

24. ELK (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Elk is the animal totem associated with the Long Snows Moon. The regal Elk teaches us to be confident, strong, joyful, agile, wise, and responsible.


25. RACCOON(Cleansing). Our masked friend, Raccoon, teaches us merriment, openness, cleansing, wiliness, tenacity and humor.

26. EARTHWORM (Renewal). From the Earthworm, people can learn about regeneration, stamina, self-healing, transformation and earth-healing.

27. DOLPHIN (Purity). The Dolphin has many lessons for us to learn. They include purity, lightness of being, communication, love, intelligence and spiritual attainments.

28. HUMMINGBIRD (Clarity). The Hummingbird, small and graceful, teaches us precision, lucidity, energy, vibrancy, grace, clarity and healing.

29. OWL (Wisdom). From the Owl, humans can learn about old wisdom, knowledge, paradox, femininity, mystery and vision.

30. FIREFLY (Illumination). From the tiny firefly, who lights our evenings, we can learn many things. They include illumination, understanding, the life force, continuity, wonder, awe and light and darkness.

31. RABBIT (Growth). Rabbit, who represents growth, has many lessons for us. They include dealing with fear, growth, innocence, creativity, productivity and self-actualization.

32. SALMON (Trust). Salmon is the second position of the southern spirit path. He teaches us trust, strength, determination, willpower, loyalty and tradition.

33. WOLF (Love). From the Wolf, one of our most misunderstood animal brothers, people can learn many lessons about love, healing relationships, fidelity, forgiveness, intimacy, community, generosity and compatibility.

34. WHALE (Experience). Working with Whale teaches us about the importance of observing, and about knowledge based on experience. We also can learn much about being in harmony with the environment. Other lessons are strength, patience, and to realize the magnificence in all things.

35. MOUSE (Introspection). The tiny mouse, a very humble little brother, has many large lessons that we can learn. They include introspection, perception, innocence, trust, resting and acceptance of others.

36. ANT (Strength). What an amazing animal, the ant. Strength many times his size, he holds many lessons for us. They are strength, endurance, efficiency, persistence, productivity, courage and the importance of community.


Many times, we look at our animal friends as just providers of entertainment. We keep them for pets, visit them in parks and zoos, and those who are insects, we sometimes see as nuisances. If we take the time to really get to know our winged, four-legged, crawling and swimming brothers and sisters; how they live; how they adapt and survive; we can apply their lessons to our lives. This will be of great benefit to us as we travel the path of life.