
my Soapie is back

romance 101 is off the ground

"... You have to bear in mind Saiya-jin culture and the basic Saiya-jin temperament "
okay i don't mind doing that, n i get that for sure

"For 25 years - more than half his lifetime - Zorun had suffered the most appalling violence and abuse from his brother, and even prior to that it wasn't an easy life. His self-esteem is about as low as it can get (it's been beaten into him that he's worthless for too long for him to be able to overcome it), he's been betrayed over and over again, everything he's ever loved has been taken away from him, and he responds to violence with violence because it's the only way he can deal with the pain."
he needs some SERIOUS help

"Yes, he claimed Mahrayne without her consent - but she was carrying his child, he believed that she loved him (and let's face it, being claimed by a Saiyan who loves you and whom you at the very least like beats being farmed out with a bunch of other females to a male you may absolutely loathe but can't escape from.) It's happened to other Saiyan females"
did i miss sumfin, i thought Mahrayne wasn't saiyan????

"He hurt Mahrayne ONCE, when he claimed her. The rest of the time he did everything possible to prevent her being hurt, allowing her a freedom completely unheard of amongst Saiyan females, and doing everything he could to make her happy."
again i thought she wasn't Saiyan?????

okay can i just say it seems that everyone should walk on egg shells around the Saiyans. No one else should have any other culture than that of the Saiyan way, (how dare they think in a un-Saiyan way ). For an empire that is growing by planets, if they think in just their way, someone is going to come along and slip under their blind folds and convince everyone else that they know what's best and 'don't go over that wall, the Saiyans think they're the only ones here'.
okay i could be very wrong, and it wasn't exactly Zorun i was pin pointing, it was the fact that the rest of the family seemed to be blinded where the Zorun/Mahrayne thing was. If it was the other way round i would be thinking the same thing, it's the actual situation that has me confused not the people.

ditto on the X-MEN thingy


well Joules
i'm speakless, "Rejoice" is beautiful, you can really write em, hun
the images that your story line gave, WOW i want to see it for REAL
the dances were just so moving, sigh, happy grin
can i ask a small favour tho
can you do a family tree that names everyone, and who their parents are?
it takes me a bit to get names, and tho i have a little idea who's who
a family tree would help abit more

um... and just one thing more, now don't get anger at me but.....
Zorun, why does he get all that sympathy?
he has hurt so many members of the family
but still they feel nothing but sympathy for him?????
where as Mahrayne, who did not hurt the family is thrown out?????
i mean most wife bashers say the are SO sorry after they put their wives in hospital
but they keep doing it
which Zorun seems to keep doing it too, so why the sympathy there???
also did Mahrayne not say that she did not want to be claimed?
and also was it not because of her sister that Zorun stuck his thumb in his mouth
and went off and sulked??
okay so i have no sympathy for selfcentred, selfabsorded, basher, Zorun
maybe it's just me *shrug*
i do enjoy the stories otherwise, they are just so wonderful
keep em comin n you can ignore my rambles here if ya want
i most likely just don't see where your takin this yet
anger managment maybe??
maybe i do have a soft spot for Mahrayne along with the hybrids n all the brats
and maybe one or two others
but sometimes i just gotta say things, get em off my chest
that sort of things
love n light, me :oD