
just to make it a corny kind a day
here's a site for you
did ya smile?

well isn't that true??????

Versace: Oww, the essence of haute! You are
flashy, daring, and dramatic! You believe in
beauty above practicality and view fashion as

What fashion designer fits you
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Death, the second of The Endless, you are responsible for ending all lives and taking them to your realm, from which no one ever returns. You are bright, positive, happy, optimistic%2
Death, the second of The Endless, you are
responsible for ending all lives and taking
them to your realm, from which no one ever
returns. You are bright, positive, happy,
optimistic and enjoy everything about life, but
that does not mean your silly or stupid. You
can lay the smack down when you have to!
Everyone loves you, and they don't know why.

Which Endless are you?
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Sun Elf: Probably actually a cousin to the Moon
elves, you have a lot in common in the base of
your society and build. You, however, favor to
travel the open plains and live a vagabond
lifestyle, worshiping the sun. Unlike most
elves who's skins do not tan, you carry from
birth the mark of one who lives out under the
sun, a light golden tan and often fair hair.
Also, you tend to be tinkerors and inventors.
Some consider you elven gypsies.

Which Elven Race are you?
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you know there is a definet goth theme thro all these

So goth you're dead!
You are every goth-kids dream!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
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well last nite had Niki around n we did the camp fire thingy
someone gave me the idea n i thought it would be fun
which it was
we cooked sauages n stuff then after the kids had had their fill
we brought the marshmallows out
they went thro a bag n a half of em before we thought they shouldn't have any more
was fun nite
tried to start sum singing but we didn't know the words
anyway Niki n her chicks had to leave kinda early
and well with my chicks having their torches i thought we'd go possum spotting
so off we walk
take the back way to birdsland (back way = down a hill)
I thought we'd go half way down the hill then come back...................
nup they took off n went ALL the way down *grump*
WELL there was no way i was going to come back up the hill (IT"S STEEP)
so it was the long way home for us
did ya know it was a full moon last night
so even tho the mist was comin in i could still see, also have good night vision
so off they go, with a few "what are you waiting for?" from me
and we set off home
i should mention i had already done a big walk that day
anyway we made it home and it was not yet 8:30
the mist had come in abit but it wasn't cold
wether that was us warm from the walk or not *shrug*
it was a fun nite
will have to do it with soulsis n her cubs
maybe they'd like to do the walk after too, if they bring their torches
oh btw, we only found one possum
i think i have more possums in my back yard at nite

you know me to well soulsis

I am a giant mutant kitten. Not strange at all.

Which cute or possibly strange kitten are you?
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