
oh and talking of sex toys
had a um.... talk with my daughter
tried to explain a couple of things
not sure if i did a good job
but she had fun um..... playin (yes playing and i don't mean PLAYING) with the vibrator

well soul sis if ya put them on ya gotta expect me to do em
love ya

You're Hobbes!
You're Hobbes. First of all, the makers of this
quiz would like to congratulate you. You have
our seal of approval. You are kind,
intelligent, loving, and good-humoredly
practical. You're proud of who you are. At the
same time, you're tolerant of those who lack
your clearsightedness. You're always playful,
but never annoying. For these traits, you are
well-loved, and with good cause.

Which famous feline are you?
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okay so tonite was quizz nite
i like questions
tis just me
and it give sumfin for people to read n do
so enjoy them n stay up late doin em like me
not enough time in the world i think
anyone got a watch???

What Sort of Romantic Are You?

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now this is interesting
so Kel travels huh

Kel- A tough girl from Mindelan, Kel will get her
knighthood, and be the first girl to legally do
so. She knocks out people all the time, and is
one cool gal. She uses a glaive - a long staff
with a 12-inch blade on the end.

Which Tamora Pierce character are you? (quiz only for girls, unless you want to see...!)
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just to annoy soulsis
love ya hun :ox

Lothlorien Elf - You live in trees in the forest of
Lothlorien. You are Galdriel and Celeborn's
kindred, a High Elf. You really don't welcome
races other than your own.

What kind of elf are you?
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You are most like Sarah
You are loyal to your friends. Your imagination and
fantasys are what makes you differnt. Your will
to win sometimes can be so strong, that you
come across as cruel.

What Labyrinth Charater are you most like?
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Zelgadis Greywards:
Zelgadis is a strong scorceror and ground warrior.
Though a few years ago his relative turned him
into a bizarre human, being parts golem, human,
etc. Zelgadis always has his wits about him,
trying to find the things he wants, and being
in control. Zelgadis is a cool, secretive guy
who isn't so good with the ladies. He is a bit
shy, but can kick ass! His magic and
swordsmanship are uncanny! This guy is the
master of battle. A duel with him can get you
in serious pain. He doesn't get too mad very
often, but he can get VEEERY angry if you push

Which Slayers Character are you?
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Which Batman Villian are You?
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What Stone Are You?
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Demonic Fairy!!!

Which one of Robin's Alter-egos are you?
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Gabriel: Dark Angel with an agenda

What Christopher Walken Character are you?
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dark arts
You excel at Defense Against the Dark Arts. Which
is really good because who knows when you'll
run into that disgruntle troll or banshee going
through menopause.

Which Class at Hogwarts Would You Excel at?
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Circle 1, Limbo
Congradulations you didn't do anything wrong in
life with the exception of not getting
baptised, bummer. The rest of eternity will be
boring for you since you have to spend it in
the eternal waiting room

Which Circle of Hell Are You Going To?
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You are Isolt, a former princess of Ireland. Isolt
was known for her imense healing powers. She
had strong ethics, putting duty before love or
love before herself.

Which Lady of Camelot Are You?
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Flight To the Ford
Which Lord of the Rings Soundtrack theme are you?

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not sure if i agree

Lord of the Rings

Which Movie are you?
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Your Format: Interface~~~~
Mee-ow! One sexy girl here. You don't let anyone
tell you what to do. If you want a man, you
show him by nearly breaking his back with your
affection. Cool down girl! You don't have to
kill them.

Which ReBoot Character are you?
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Which Gundam Pilot Are You?
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James stay out of this one
or if you go into it and you have questions...
just ask n sssshhhhhhhhhhh

You are a Consentual Fan!
Consentual Fan

What Kind of a Hentai Yaoi Freak are You?
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