
It would appear that my daughter will feature largely in my blog. I love her vey much, but this is not the only reason for her to be here, no there are so many more reasons. In this case lets talk about her friend, she says best friend, but I have my doubts. It would seem that this friend is the fountian of knowledge here abouts and has shared this wisdom with my daughter, who being the trusting little chick that she is, always believes her, even above me. No surprise there. Take the most recent tit bit of knowledge, she told my chick that on new years eve, just as the clock strikes midnight the earth will go over a bump and we all will feel it. No doubting the girls imagination and in deed this might happen. Maybe I have been to busy at twelve to feel the bump, but please ......... Why does my daughter believe this girl, my theory is that this girl has SO much belief in herself that others are pulled into her delirum, (like this better than delusion). This chick will not beleive any adult, she is right and the rest of us are wrong. So there.

My hope is one day to separate them, if it'll work. I don't think this girl is good for or to my daughter. To tell the truth i'm not sure what to do with the family. I like the mum n dad and the kids, a bit, but they are abit out of control. And they are not kind to each other, (the kids that is). My boys don't want to go there because of that. Oh well will have to see what happens I guess. If nothing else it may get my daughters room clean for once. She can't go and stay less she cleans it up, good plan huh.


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